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Joburg Places Tours

JoburgPlaces offers a whole gamut of inner-city tours, immersions, experiences and events. JoburgPlaces is also currently involved at Somerset House on Gandhi Square where it is developing the Thunder Walker - a traveller's hub that will include the Zwipi Underground Bar, Scatterlings Restaurant & Events Venue and Balcony Gardens Hotel. Daily walking tours is guided by Charlie Moyo while Gerald guides occasional specialty tours. Be sure to book with JoburgPlaces to gain in-depth knowledge on the city's history, its trendiest places and coolest things to do.


JoburgPlaces is the initiative of Gerald Garner, author of Spaces & Places – Johannesburg and Spaces & Places - JoburgPlaces, among others. Gerald has been offering fascinating inner-city walking tours since 2011. Together with a group of experienced guides, JoburgPlaces has already taken over 17000 people on walking and other tours of the inner-city. The monthly Pubs, Bars & Rooftops tour by bus is probably the most legendary JoburgPlaces tour, but many other daily walking tours are on offer too.


​Walking tours start from R330 per person for public tours and from R1250 for private tours.

Jozi Alternative Tours

Mahatma Gandhi came to Johannesburg as a young 24-year-old lawyer in 1893. He remained in the country, with short visits to England and India, for 21 years, 12 of them spent in Joburg. It was in the town in the early 1900s that he developed his passive resistance or Satyagraha movement, which he took to the world in 1914 when he left.


Come with me and walk in Gandhi's footsteps in the city: see where he lived in the suburbs, where he had his legal chambers, where he encouraged his followers to burn their discriminatory registration certificates, and where he is honoured in Gandhi Square. I have researched and written about the history and heritage of Joburg for many years, and draw on that research and interviews with people of relevance to the city's history.


Check out the tours I offer at, or email me at

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